When I power it on it clicks every second and won't complete powering up. It was on for a few minutes and I tested getting it on WiFi, was able to see it and control it via the wifi interface, but then after a few minutes it started this clicking constantly and now won't stop. Tried power cycle and tried to tap all the buttons on the front. There doesn't appear to be a factory reset button anywhere, and I can't seem to send an email to the Contact Us page as it will never let me click Submit.
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最終更新: 2023年1月01日
Brand new 3 Gang (Tasmota) switch relay clicking constant
Brand new 3 Gang (Tasmota) switch relay clicking constant
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I have the exact same issue with 2 of my switches out of 20. How can I fix it?
Other 2 have another issue. When I attach power the relay clicks and then nothing happens. The device is not responsive.